Steve Duffy has been supporting the natural health industry for over a decade now since discovering its many benefits. Just as natural health practitioners diagnose and treat issues from a holistic perspective, we identify the areas that need “treatment” in a business’ online presence. We look at managing an online presence as “healthcare for your business” and we take a holistic approach.

We have a true passion for helping the practitioners of natural, alternative and integrative medicine prosper. Steve will help you take the steps to grow from offline word of mouth advertising to online word of mouth and ultimately -showing up in search engines for your products and services.

Our Services

Our fully-managed solution makes targeting your customers online easy

Digital Advertising

We bring the BUZZ to your online advertising with a fully managed service that will improve retention and revenue.


Reputation Management shows businesses what people are saying about them, improves their visibility in local search.


With Listing Builder, you can establish accurate business listings across the web, increasing their chances of getting found in local search.



Keep your followers engaged to grow your audience and build brand loyalty and grow your business more

Search Engine Optimization

More than 50% of people planning to buy a product/service use general search terms to find a local business that sells that product/service.


People expect websites to be mobile-optimized, fast, and informative. Build a mobile-friendly website that provides information.
There are 6 Steps in the online customer journey to connect with more customers. In fact, when you clarify your communication in each step you’ll create a stream of new clients.

Get your personalized online visibility report.

Learn how to create your online communication channels.

Get access to our team as your partner in growth.

Discover how to navigate your marketing in one place.

Working with us means…

  • You’ll have enough clients to meet your business goals.
  • You’ll have a partner that knows the value of a holistic health approach and the challenges you face.
  • You’ll maximize your income potential by lowering your cost of acquiring new clients
  • You can relax in your down time… without worrying about where your next customers are coming from.
  • You’ll finally attract the right audience for your brand.
Business team colleague working with new startup project plan

We know how overwhelming it can be… keeping up with all your communication channels. We’re committed to helping the natural healthcare industry grow.

Connecting Wellness Experts With Their Clients…

Online marketing strategy consulting and implementation so you can focus on helping people regain their health.

Get Your Personalized Business Diagnosis Now…

  • You can stop worrying about cancelled appointments or lost clients…
  • You’ll never again spend your off hours trying to get more likes and followers.
  • You won’t have to feel like you’re competing with huge hospital systems and their million dollar marketing budgets.
Business Report

Get your FREE personalized report.


We’ll help you make a plan.


Watch your business grow.

snapshot overview

How is your business performing online?

So, click the button below and Download your online visibility report showing how your business is showing up online. We can look at it together to identify areas to improve your marketing. You can stop feeling overwhelmed about marketing and instead become confident and empowered to grow your business and prosper.

1 .Get Your FREE online visibility report for your business.
2. We’ll help you make a plan.
3. Watch your business grow.

At Holistic Acceleration, we know you want to have a thriving practice full of the clients you want to work with.

The problem is that marketing has changed and is constantly evolving. Unless you have a dedicated team, it can be like running just to stand still.

At Holistic Acceleration, we believe you shouldn’t have to struggle. We understand that modern marketing is confusing and overwhelming. You deserve a partner that understands the challenges facing small business and the natural health industry.

Office Address

18 Newhall St
Fairfield, ME 04937

Contact Us


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